Wednesday, November 21, 2007

We are back from the Islands... Mon!

We are back from the Islands... and what beautiful islands they were!

We arrived on a Wednesday.... and set out on Thursday to explore the beautiful resort of Frenchman's Reef. We pretty much hung out by the pool all day. That evening we took a ferry over to the neighboring island of St. John for dinner at Asolare. More later on that experience! And it was a dining experience!

St. John is one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean. Over half of it is a National Reserve... pristine and pure is the best way to describe this island. After dinner we had drinks at a great beach side bar called The Balcony... it overlooked the Cruz Bay. And it was there that I discovered my vacation drink "Lime in da Coconut".

On Friday, we went spent the day at the Marriott's beach and swam in the ocean pretty much all day. The water there is like swimming in the pool... crystal clear and 90 degrees! We were definately beach bums!

That night the Shockers played their first game... and lost.

Saturday we took a ferry over to Charlotte Amalie and shopped their downtown. Fun shops... tons of jewelry... if you are ever looking for a diamond, this is the place to get it! Duty free and tax free! Of course, I was not shopping for diamonds :-(

That night the Shockers played again and lost again.

Sunday was a great day at Coki Beach... a local beach made of pristine sand and crystal blue water. It is a snorkeling beach... so we swam with the fish that day. That night we took the ferry back over to St. Johns for another amazing dinner on top of another mountain.

Monday we had planned to rent a catamarran, but it rained and we went shopping to pick up a few more gifts that we needed. That afternoon we finally got a Shocker win! And to celebrate we enjoyed dinner by the Beach.. and one last "Lime in da Coconut".

We were home Tuesday... the kids still remembered us... and the house was still standing!

All in all... a great vacation!

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