Monday, January 19, 2009

PJ Party!

Caroline, sporting her new American Girl Kit Kittridge Pajamas, went off to a Daisy Scout pajamas party on Sunday! They played Twister, Bunko and decorated cookies! Good time, fun time!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Caroline at Chuck-E-Cheese

Just a fun 'camera phone' snapshot of Caroline at Chuck-E-Cheese... she was opening some presents for her birthday! Yeah, she got the American Girl "Kit Kittredge" pajamas!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Where did the end of 2008 go!

I'm so delinquent in updating this blog! Holy Moly! Here are a few snapshots from the last few weeks!

Lily started ballet... oh she had that tutu on from the moment she woke up! She was so excited!

Went trick-or-treating... Caroline was a butterfly... and Lily was ....

a pink unicorn

Then we went to Disney World for Thanksgiving... and met Pluto

Enjoy Christmas with our family!