Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Best Mother's Day Gift of All...

are these two little faces!!!

How You Are Suppose to Drink Tea...

from an "almost three year old's" book on manners...

Why I Love This Child...

This picture says it all!

The Tea Party

For Mother's Day, the girls and I took the Mimi to a tea room for lunch. While I knew Caroline would be good... Lily was another story!

Much to our surpise, our spirited, vivacious little 'almost three year old" turned out to be model of good manner!
Enjoy the pics... we sure enjoyed the day!

Soccer Gold Medal

After three months of below-freezing, early Saturday mornings out on the soccer field... she has earned her medal!

Mom and Dad are not only thrilled with her tenacious spirit on the field, but the fact that soccer is over for the year!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I Love This Saying!

"Thank God for dirty dishes. It means you have food for your family."

it sure does makes me feel better about all of those dirty dishes I have in my sink right now :-)